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Vivante honored as “Best Project on the Boards” by 55+ Housing Council

Vivante honored as “Best Project on the Boards” by 55+ Housing Council

Vivante on the Coast was honored at last night’s 55+ Housing Council’s SAGE Awards, held at the Turnip Rose in Costa Mesa. Initiated in 1995, the SAGE Awards honor individuals, projects and programs that have made an outstanding contribution to enhancing the quality of life for Southern California [Santa Barbara to San Diego] residents aged 55+. Vivante was recognized as the “Best Project on the Boards” for 2013, and Executive Director Jennifer Kornmann and Assistant Executive Director Tahmina Aziz attended the event to accept the award. We are proud to be honored by such a wonderful organization!

Executive Director Jennifer Kornmann and Assistant Executive Director Tahmina Aziz were on hand to accept the award.

What an honor to be recognized by such a prestigious organization!

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