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Vivante honored with a Senior Living By Design Award 2015

Vivante honored with a Senior Living By Design Award 2015


The November/December issue of Senior Living Executive, the flagship magazine of Argentum, highlights some of the most cutting-edge and creative architecture, interiors, and outdoor spaces found in senior living communities today.
Senior living design is never static; resident preferences are constantly evolving. But through the competition’s four years, foundational themes appear, including safe and engaging spaces for contemplating and gathering, smart spaces enabling staff to offer superior service, and destination spaces such as fitness centers, libraries, or dining rooms that provide purposeful living.

Twenty-nine architects and design firms shared their projects, and this year Argentum invited judges from a wide variety of senior living disciplines, such as an executive director and a resident care vice president, as well as architects, to offer their unique perspectives on what makes dynamic, functional design.

Judges ranked the community submissions on the uniqueness of the design, the strategic vision and goals at the heart of the design project, the functionality of the design, the design aesthetic, and last but not least, the positive impact this design is making for the residents, families, and staff. The 11 judges selected five senior living residences as recipients of the 2015 Senior Living by Design Award:

  • Balfour at Riverfront Park, Denver, CO, designed by Kipp Architects, a division of gkkworks, Denver, CO
  • Brandywine Senior Living at Haddonfield, Haddonfield, NJ, designed by Meyer Design, Ardmore, PA
  • Laurelwood at the Pinehills, Plymouth, MA, designed by The Architectural Team, Chelsea, MA
  • The Palace at Coral Gables, Coral Gables, FL, designed by Fullerton Group Architects, Coral Gables, FL
  • Vivante on the Coast, Costa Mesa, CA, designed by Hill Partners, Newport Beach, CA

“This awards competition shows once again how senior living providers are constantly adapting to the changing desires and needs of residents and families,” said Argentum President & CEO James Balda. “We will continue to see innovation in the industry through these types of collaborations with cutting edge architects and through advances in technology and research on care for older adults.”

Argentum’s magazine, Senior Living Executive, is published six times per year and circulated to approximately 20,000 executives serving senior living. Read the complete Senior Living by Design Awards coverage at www.alfapublications.org. Visit www.argentum.org/seniorlivingbydesign to learn more.

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